15 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Tungku Tak Permanen Untuk Pengeringan Blok Bata Mentah

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    Penelitian tungku model tak permanen dilakukan untuk menganalisa peningkatan fungsi sebagai media pembakaran dan pengeringan. Perancangan model tungku tak permanen dilakukan di laboratorium dan pengujian model tungku dilakukan di industri bata merah kecamatan Jogonalan kabupaten Klaten Jawa Tengah. Tahapan penelitian terdiri dari persiapan blok bata, pengeringan awal bata, pembuatan bata yang akan dibakar, pembuatan tungku, pembakaran dan pembongkaran tungku. Dan berdasarkan hasil uji pembakaran bata merah menunjukkan bahwa dinding tungku tak permanen akan maksimal dengan pola 2/2 di mana pola tersebut menghasilkan lebih dari 9000 blok bata kering untuk ukuran tungku 8 m x 6 m dan ketinggian 20x (kali) tinggi blok bata

    Time Domain Feature Extraction Technique for earth's electric field signal prior to the Earthquake

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    Earthquake is one of the most destructive of natural disasters that killed many people and destroyed a lot of properties. By considering these catastrophic effects, it is highly important of knowing ahead of earthquakes in order to reduce the number of victims and material losses. Earth's electric field is one of the features that can be used to predict earthquakes (EQs), since it has significant changes in the amplitude of the signal prior to the earthquake. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the earthโ€™s electric field due to earthquakes which occurred in Greece, between January 1, 2008 and June 30, 2008. In that period of time, 13 earthquakes had occurred. 6 of them were recorded with magnitudes greater than Ms= 5R (5R), while 7 of them were recorded with magnitudes greater than Ms= 6R (6R). Time domain feature extraction technique is applied to analyze the 1st significant changes in the earthโ€™s electric field prior to the earthquake. Two different time domain feature extraction techniques are applied in this work, namely Simple Square Integral (SSI) and Root Mean Square (RMS). The 1st significant change of the earth's electric field signal in each of monitoring sites is extracted using those two techniques. The feature extraction result can be used as input parameter for an earthquake prediction system

    Eksperimen Pembentukan Kerak Gipsum Dengan Konsentrasi Ca2+ : 3500 PPM Dan Aditif Fe2+

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    Pengerakan (scaling) merupakan masalah yang kompleks dan selalu terjadi di dalam suatu industri. Terjadinya kerak karena proses alami adanya reaksi kimia antara kandungan-kandungan yang tidak dikehendaki yang terlarut di dalam air seperti: Ca2+, SO4-2, CO3-2dan Mg2+. Gipsum (CaSO4.2H2O) adalah salah satu komponen utama dari kerak yang banyak dijumpai. Akibat adanya pengerakan ini akan merugikan yaitu mempertebal dinding pipa yang dilewati cairan dan dapat mempengaruhi laju aliran ataupun perpindahan panas. Oleh karena harus dilakukan pencegahan untuk menghambat pertumbuhan kerak dalam pipa tersebut. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan eksperimen tentang pertumbuhan kerak gipsum dalam pipa uji, dengan mereaksikan CaCl2 dan Na2SO4 dengan laju alir 30 ml/menit dan konsentrasi larutan 3500 ppm, Ca2+. Fe2+ ditambahkan kedalam larutan sebagai impuritas. Adapun pipa uji berisi empat pasang kupon terbuat dari kuningan karena tahan terhadap korosi. Pembentukan kristal gipsum dapat dilihat dari menurunnya nilai konduktivitas larutan pada waktu percobaan sehingga waktu induksinyapun dapat diketahui. Bentuk kristal gipsum dilihat dari hasil kajian morfologi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan SEM, Massa kerak ditimbang untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan aditif terhadap massa kerak yang terjadi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan adanya penambahan aditif Fe2+ 5 ppm memperpanjang waktu induksi 27.2 %, menurunkan massa kerak 17.6 % dan penambahan aditif Fe2+ 10 % memperpanjang waktu induksi 54.5 % menurunkan massa kerak 38.5 %.. Aditif juga mempengaruhi morfologi Kristal gipsum yaitu kristal menjadi lebih pendek tapi tidak merubah bentuk kristal, yaitu tetap orthorhombic

    Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) Based Orthogonal Transform Approach for Earth's Electric Field Signal Processing

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    The Earth's electric field signal is generated from the released energy through a sudden dislocation of the segment in the earth's crust. Many researchers have reported the use of parametric modeling technique for earth's electric field signal processing. The existing earth's electric signal processing based on parametric modeling technique has suffered from the noise. Therefore, the effective earth's electric field signal processing is necessary in order to process the signal with better performance for the identification. Singular value decomposition (SVD) based parametric modeling technique is applied as feature extraction technique to the Earth's electric field signal. The projection of excitation signal on the right eigenvector of the LPC filter impulse response matrix is involved in this technique. The combination of SVD-based parametric modeling technique has perfectly classified the significant Earth's electric field data prior to the earthquake and the Earth's electric field data on the normal condition after the polynomial kernel function is applied

    Visual-based fingertip detection for hand rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a visual detection of fingertips by using a classification technique based on the bag-of-words method. In this work, the fingertips are specifically of people who are holding a therapy ball, as it is intended to be used in a hand rehabilitation project. Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) descriptors are used to generate feature vectors and then the bag-of-feature model is constructed by K-mean clustering which reduces the number of features. Finally, a Support Vector Machine (SVM) is trained to produce a classifier that distinguishes whether the feature vector belongs to a fingertip or not. A total of 4200 images, 2100 fingertip images and 2100 non-fingertip images, were used in the experiment. Our results show that the success rates for the fingertip detection are higher than 94% which demonstrates that the proposed method produces a promising result for fingertip detection for therapy-ball-holding hands. ยฉ 2018 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights reserved

    Markerless detection of fingertips of object-manipulating hand

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    Most reported works on fingertip detection focus on extended fingers where the hand is not occluded by another object. This paper proposes a machine-vision-based technique exploiting the contour of the hand and fingers for detecting the fingertips when the hand is manipulating a ball, which means that the fingers are closed and the hand is partially occluded. The preliminary result of our on-going research is promising where it can be used to generate a more objective performance indicator for monitoring the progress during hand therapy by using a digital webcam. Being markerless and contactless, the proposed technique will require minimal preparation prior to the therapy

    Adaptive Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) Analysis of seismic electric signal (SES): A comparison of Hamming and rectangular window

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    Seismic electric signal (SES) is one of features for predicting earthquakes (EQs) because of its significant changes in the amplitude of the signal prior to the earthquake. This paper presents detailed analysis of SES recorded prior to earthquake that occurred in Greece in the period from January 1, 2008 to June 30, 2008. During this period of time 5 earthquakes were recorded with magnitudes greater than 6R. In this analysis STFT involving adaptively sliding window technique is used, in which Hamming and rectangular window functions are applied and compared. The comparison shows that Hamming window gives better results in analyzing the first significantly changes of SES prior to the EQ. The application of Hamming window resulted in less rippled spectrum shape which is more suitable to be used in characterizing the SES

    Analisa Karakteristik Biodiesel Nyamplung

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    Seno Darmanto, Windu Sediono, Sarwoko, Triyatno, in this paper explain that making of callophylum inophylum biodiesel fuel is done alkaly transesterification methode. Alkaly transesterification methode use methanol and basa (NaOH) of catalist. Procedur and setting of research that is consisted in material selection, treatment and setting of composition of methanol and catalist, operational temperature, reaction time, speed and mixer technical will effect quality and conversion level of callophylum inophylum biodiesel. And based data analyzer show that conversion of callophylum inophylum biodiesel can reach 90%. Properties of callophylum inophylum biodiesel show viscosity and flash point of callophylum inophylum biodiesel is ligthly higher than diesel fuel. And caloric value of callophylum inophylum biodiesel is slightly lower than diesel fuel

    A Novel Approach to Stuttered Speech Correction

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    Stuttered speech is a dysfluency rich speech, more prevalent in males than females. It has been associated with insufficient air pressure or poor articulation, even though the root causes are more complex. The primary features include prolonged speech and repetitive speech, while some of its secondary features include, anxiety, fear, and shame. This study used LPC analysis and synthesis algorithms to reconstruct the stuttered speech. The results were evaluated using cepstral distance, Itakura-Saito distance, mean square error, and likelihood ratio. These measures implied perfect speech reconstruction quality. ASR was used for further testing, and the results showed that all the reconstructed speech samples were perfectly recognized while only three samples of the original speech were perfectly recognized

    Influence of Flow Rates and Copper (II) ions on the Kinetics of Gypsum Scale Formation in Pipes

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    Experiments were performed in a piping system to examine the effects of flow rates and Cu2+, a common metal ion in wastewater, on the kinetics of gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O) scale formation. The scaling was monitored by measuring the decrease in Ca2+ concentrations, [Ca2+], of the scaling solution. AAS analysis shows that [Ca2+] reduces progressively after a certain induction time, during which time the concentration remains steady. Thus, the gypsum precipitation which leads to scaling in pipes does not occur spontaneously. Higher impurity concentrations (0 to 10 ppm Cu2+) result in longer induction time (26 to 42 min), which indicate that Cu2+ could inhibit the scale formation. Impurity concentrations and the scale mass generated are negatively correlated. Reduction in scale mass was as high as 61% depending on impurity concentrations and flow rates. Data of [Ca2+] versus time were used to calculate the reaction rate of the gypsum precipitation which led to scaling. It was found that the reaction follows a first order kinetics with respect to [Ca2+], with rate constants ranging between 5.28 and 7.37 per hour, which agree with most published values for mineral scale formation